Thursday, April 22, 2010

LOVE Is In The Air? Think Twice =)

When you think that love is in the air, do not be in haste, for the best is awaiting u in the near future. If you let yourself be fooled, you might lose out the chance to be with the best choice...
This statement suddenly popped into my mind few days ago and just won't leave, as though urging me to plot it somewhere, and I thought of perhaps... my blog? =_= Once again my dream of a prince charming riding on a white horse, sweeping my legs off as we head to his palace up on the silver lining clouds... has crashed into pieces like a broken vase. Well it's ok, it is not the first time anyway, I'm used to it, or more so, immune to it I would say...
As time flies, it is just made believed that as a person grows, it is harder and harder to convince oneself to continue sparking hope in the term "L-O-V-E". Everyone is seeking love, yet not everyone gets access to it, unless you were speaking of agape doubt, true love is definitely found in our Abba Father. =) But is there really human who can be so selfless when it comes to loving someone sacrificially? This, I doubt... at least for now, I have not seen with my own eyes. It sores my eyes to see people so easily getting into relationships and then breaking up so soon, just to have the feeling of "falling in love". SWT!
Hard not to think about it, because it is already implied in us, since God is love, and since we are created following His image.. we too have love in us. That is why most of us wants to love and be loved.
For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek His kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. -- Luke 12:30-31.
Oh well, will stick to this Bible verse...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Certainly. I agree with told all above. Let's discuss this question. Here or in PM.