Sunday, March 7, 2010

Refreshed ^^

Came back from Sunday service...Keith preached today about "Real Faith", a topic that I really needed for now, feels like God Himself revealed and spoke to me. It's really refreshing to hear the preaching of the Word, it gives me strength and hope again to live up my life in this week before the next sermon, hehe. At first, there are two sides of my mind arguing the whole morning whether or not I should make my way to church even when there is nobody else to accompany me throughout the service ( Schuey is with my Dad at Selayang Hosp, Che Che is with Mommy to meet a client, Kawan needs to send his Mom to KL Central), Oh well, I choose to bounce out from bed and get ready for service! Phew, proven once again, I made the right choice! =) After all, I am never alone in City Harvest, though I may not personally know the person on my left and right, but why worry? They are my brothers and sisters anyway, I end up knowing some new friends! ^^ I sat with a brother on my left, Matthew and a sister on my right, Sherlyn. Amen!
Thank God for a wonderful Dad, he made sure my piano is well fixed and tuned... I regain my happiness in music! Woohoo! Can't wait for tomorrow's piano class, what is Ms. Chow gonna teach me tomorrow huh?! As long as I have breath, I will always wanna lay my fingers on those black and white keys, believing that one day I can play those lovely pieces of Mozart, Chopin, Schumann, Bach...... and my own original pieces! I know it is still far to be mentioned, but I will work on it! And when I am on top of the "mountain", I will rely my heart, no longer my fingers...
I would say that CF is honoured to have David to share on BGR topic with us, just that I wish more young lives can be there to have an ear. It will certainly bless us all with a better view of relationship between a guy and a girl. Yup, fellowship - friendship - courtship - marriage and so on. The basic of a romantic relationship is friendship, this will lead to a more successful marriage. The romance might poof out one day, but friendship will still last, that's why a couple can still cling on to one another, because besides being a couple, they are still best buddies! ^__^ He's right! A good example will be he himself and his wife, Shirley. =) Haha, from now on, I am washing my brain, no more "double O", no more QT guys on mind, making friends with everyone and anyone of both sex, with the most sincere heart. I know, God will provide the right guy at the right time. Amen!
I am changing my perspective lenses, exam is important, but it is not my everything, shall not ever put it above serving my Lord. No doubt I have to do well in my studies, that doesn't mean I shall neglect all my other responsibilities as a child of God. Hehe, so glad that I finally get to send Crystal my report, I am finally ggggrrrrrroooooowwwwwwiiiiiiinnnnnG! Yippee!!! ^____^

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