Tuesday, March 1, 2011

D@Re 2 DR3@M

People thinks I'm dreaming, they make funny remarks.. I know I am, but I can't be bothered. If I give in & listen, there is when the thoughts start sinking in, & they will stay on my minds for days & never leave! Voices saying, I'm no good, I can't hit high notes, my singing sucks, my looks are flat! What else did I miss?! Name it all, I no longer care!

I never dare to say it out loud, all these while, I've kept it deep in my heart, I can hold it no more... I gonna release my confession! ............... I LOVE SINGING!!! Perhaps God saw me struggling, He made me changed my lens of perception. So what if my voice isn't the best? So what if I'm only gonna release my very first album and the also the very last? So what if I will never be famous? Just let me do whatever I like, at least I will never bring along regrets to my grave. I give it a try and won't feel sorry for myself. For this is die-hard fact: I DO LOVE SINGING! Music is my all! Cheers~

There there, I said it loud and clear... Laugh all you want! =.=" But keep it to yourself, I have no time to install your negativity... I'm on my way to realise my dream!

At least, I DARE TO DREAM BIG! Today, have u?

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